Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, 2007

Kevin and I explored Wikis today; public and internally-hosted. When I asked him why wouldn't I just google a town's chamber of commerce to find out museum hours, for instance, he replied that a restaurant owner via a wiki might announce that weekend's special dinner theater event. When I countered that a fired dishwasher could have edited the site announcing the restaurant had closed, Kevin explained that professionals usually have a good check system in place, but agrees the dishwasher example could happen. Therefore, Kevin feels that wikis that are looked at often, are a pretty safe bet. To look up the obscure fact, other avenues may be smarter. Web-related and hip facts are usually a safe arena also; techies check up on each other ardently.
But the great thing about wikis is that they are super for group learning; ending the email chain. - or SOCIAL GROUP PLANNING. Wikis promise growth.

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